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Proxy Configuration


The following code demonstrates setting up an HTTPS proxy and actively turning off certificate verification (because the proxy's certificate in the example is self-signed).

Support setting HTTP/HTTPS proxy through environment variables

  1. Set the environment variable HTTP_PROXY
  2. Set the environment variable HTTPS_PROXY
import os
from webullsdkcore.client import ApiClient

proxy_host = ""
proxy_port = 8888
# Set the proxy for HTTPS to
os.environ['HTTPS_PROXY'] = proxy_host + ":" + str(proxy_port)
# Set verify to False, which means that the certificate provided by the proxy will not be verified
client = ApiClient(app_key="<your_app_key>", app_secret="<your_app_secret>", region_id="<region_id>", verify=False)

Quotes Subscription

Support setting proxy by calling proxy_set method. The following code demonstrates setting Socks5 proxy.

import socks
from webullsdkmdata.quotes.subscribe.default_client import DefaultQuotesClient

proxy_host = ""
proxy_port = 9080
quotes_client = DefaultQuotesClient("<your_app_key>", "<your_app_secret>", region_id="<region_id>")

# Set socks5 proxy to
quotes_client.proxy_set(proxy_type=socks.SOCKS5, proxy_addr=proxy_host, proxy_port=proxy_port)

Trade Events Subscription / Quotes API

Similar to the HTTP API, and it supports setting the proxy through environment variables.

  1. Set the environment variable grpc_proxy
  2. Set the environment variable https_proxy
  3. Set the environment to connect http_proxy

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