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Market Snapshot

The market data request is not supported via Webull OpenAPI at the moment. Please keep tuned.

Interface Description

  • Function description:

    • Query the latest stock market snapshots in batches according to the stock code list.
  • Request URL: /market-data/snapshot

  • Request method: The interface provides the GRPC protocol for query.

  • Frequency limit: The calling frequency of each App ID is limited to one time per second.

Request Parameters

ParameterTypeRequired fieldsDescription
symbolsStringYesList of security codes; for example: single: AAPL multiple: AAPL,GOOG; For each request,up to 100 symbols can be subscribed
categoryStringYesSecurity type. Reference: Category, such as: US_STOCK

Response Parameter

symbolStringSecurities code
priceStringCurrent price
openStringOpening price: the opening price during the market time in the U.S. market, excluding pre-market and post-market data. If there is no transaction on the day, there is no return value
highStringToday's highest price: the highest intraday price in the U.S. market, excluding pre-market and post-market data. If there is no transaction on the day, there is no return value
lowStringToday's lowest price: the lowest intraday price in the U.S. market, excluding pre-market and post-market data. If there is no transaction on the day, there is no return value
pre_closeStringYesterday's closing price
volumeStringVolume: if there is no transaction on the day, there is no return value
changeStringThe amount of change: if there is no transaction on the day, there is no return value
change_ratioStringChange: if there is no transaction on the day, there is no return value

Request Example

from webullsdktrade.grpc_api import API
from webullsdkquotescore.grpc.grpc_client import GrpcApiClient
from webullsdkcore.common.region import Region

grpc_client = GrpcApiClient(your_app_key, your_app_secret, Region.US.value)
api = API(grpc_client)
response = api.market_data.get_snapshot(symbols, category)
if response.status_code == 200:
result = response.json()

Response Example

"symbol": "AAPL",
"price": "100",
"open": "100",
"high": "105",
"low": "99",
"pre_close": "101",
"volume": "1000",
"change": "1.0",
"change_ratio": "0.05"